29 December 2009

Westlife - My Love

An empty street
An empty house
A hole inside my heart
I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller

I wonder how
I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had
The songs we sang together
Oh yeah

And oh my love
I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again
My love
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again
My love

I try to read
I go to work
I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself
From thinking
Oh no

I wonder how
I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together
Oh yeah
And oh my love
I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again
My love
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again

To hold you in my arms
To promise you my love
To tell you from my heart
You're all I'm thinking of
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again
My love

Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again
My love

Say a little prayer
Dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again
My love

*I love this song damn sooooooooo much~! Especially to the Fivers of SAMT Sultan Hisamuddin '09, don't dare to forget our lovely song!!
Drop me any question :)

28 December 2009

Find a Work? Look at This!


A few of my friends had worked in this fortnight. McD, Pizza Hut, Bookstore, Bakery, Restaurant. Some of them still find out and looking for a job. Yap~! The SPM's result will be announced around Feb or March of 2010, there's long free time for us, rite? So, better for us to find some job or work or learn for drive or anything else from wasting the time. Congrates to Abel - she's continued the English's lesson, yeah she surely can further studies in overseas.

Okey, straight to the point. Sebenarnya aku nak cerita pasal satu kerja yang kita semua boleh buat. Memang senang untuk dapatkan keuntungan, tapi ia bergantung pada diri kita juga, sama ada rajin atau malas, sama ada nak atau tak nak. Terpulang pada diri sendiri. Jangan risau.

Tengok ni dulu~!!!

Pernah atau tidak anda terfikir dengan hanya minum
Jus Jambu Batu Merah (Guava), anda berpeluang untuk menjana pendapatan 5-angka? Pernahkah anda terdengar sebelum ini, dengan hanya modal RM152, anda boleh jatuh muflis atau bankrap? Never right?? Di sini, saya ingin menjemput semua terutama sekali orang2 Melayu untuk menyertai bisnis Affiliate terbaru yang menggunakan konsep 3M - Mudah, Murah, & Masyuk.


Dengan menggunakan konsep Jom Ajak Minum...Buat Untung, anda hanya perlu mengeluarkan modal sebanyak RM152 sahaja , sekali seumur hidup, dan anda berpotensi untuk menjana income sebanyak RM 58,590. Anda akan mendapat 12 kotak (1 liter) Jus Jambu Batu Merah ini dengan setiap pendaftaran.

Sila klik untuk paparan yang lebih jelas.

Selepas mendaftar dengan RM152 tersebut, anda boleh membuat dua pilihan sama ada untuk mencari 3 orang lagi atau cukup untuk diri anda sahaja. Jika anda tidak mencari 'downline', anda tetap akan mendapat income, tetapi jika anda mencari 3 orang, income anda akan bertambah berganda2 daripada sebelumnya. Jangan risau, ianya HALAL dari segala macam.

.Sunrise Guava Puree is 100% GMO-free and allergens, fresh, original and HALAL. Juice contains no preservatives, coloring materials, flavors and sugar. You do not need to worry if some juice boxes you will feel a little sweet or have a slightly sour. This is because it is 100% extract from the fruit. Each juice box taste like almost the same but is certain product has met all standards.

.Suitable for prepared meals and drink juice. It is suitable mixed with ice cream, desserts, yoghurt, fruit jelly, baby food and confectionery.

Seriously Zida cakap, marketing ni memang menguntungkan. My Mom dah join start Oktober lepas. Alhamdulillah. In this first three month ni, she's get income almost RM5,000++. Mana tak nya, sehari dapat sepuluh orang. Siap jadi stokis lagi. Jual sekotak, dapat RM50. Bayangkan berkotak2 ada kat rumah tu. Seminggu mau 3 kali lori datang hantar berkotak2. Peh. Mak aku memang kaya! Haha. Kawan2 dia pun sama. Meeting pun ada. Bagus~!

Lagi satu, jus Guava ni sangatlah sedap! Pure punya, free add sugar, rasa asli. Kalau tengah haus tu, memang sedap lah!! Khasiat pun banyak. Baca ni :
.sepupu - dulu muka dia banyak jerawat, tapi lepas berterusan minum jus ni, muka die terus licin! Aku pun jeles. =)
.kawan - ada la sorang ni. Dia sembelit (masa tu tengah 'uzur') Heh,minum je, terus lancar
.kawan mak - dia dah beli dah jus ni. Tapi tiba2 seminggu tak beli. Skali tau2 tengah sakit perut gila2 (dengar cite ada batu karang. Ntah~) kat rumah. Mak aku gi rumah dia, bawak jus ni. Alhamdulillah, terus elok.

Banyak sangatlah cite nya. Tapi memang tak rugi. Kalau nak tengok dengan lagi mendalam, tengok blog ni --> Sunrise Guava Aku pun tak reti nak cakap banyak2. Kalau berminat, anda boleh hubungi Pn. Erwina di talian 018-3721927. Tak pun, contact aku je. Kat mana je rumah korang, mak aku boleh datang. Jangan risau, bisnes ni dah ramai orang Melayu yang join. Lagi2 kat KL & Selangor. Diorang memang nak tolong orang kita. Ada pape, tanya je aku. =)

So, fikir-fikirkan. Semoga berjaya~!

Drop me any question :)

New Look


Hey there! The New Year will coming soon - it just around the corner, just 3 days lagi. Because of that, I am proud to change my blog's looking. Yeah, tahun pun dah nak baru, azam pun mestilah baru. Sebenarnya aku berazam nak publish my story or write here with English language. I knew it, my English is soooo damn bad. Agghhh!! Sebab tu, kalau boleh aku nak mintak tunjuk ajar dari korang semua.

I want to improve my english!

Please support me, keyh?? =) haha. Sometime I feel that I am not supposed to speake or write or talking in that kinda language. You see. That was so terrible. Broken betul! Segan jugak dengan Ihsan, Naqib, Izzah, Sumayyah. Aku respect gila dengan diorang ni. Bila la nak jadi macam tu?

Okey, stop it! Aku punya blog ni sebenarnya under construction lagi. Tak siap sepenuhnya lagi. Err, sape2 yang terel tu tolong ajar aku something. Please please please.

Drop me any question :)

10 December 2009

Sila Sabar Ye ?

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia masih lagi dijalankan
Cik empunya blog ini bakal mengahadapi 4 kertas l
Jadi, doakan kejayaan beliau ~!




Wah ! Lama betul aku x mengupdate blog yang satu2nya ku miliki ini. Haha al-maklum. SPM~ Sekarang ni pun still not finish yet. I've to face 4 more papers, yeah, that's BAT and PSI. Hope senang la ea~

Just wanna to share about this kinda examination. Actually, xde la sesusah mana but if kalau tak baca buku, comfirmly ler tak boleh jalan. Alhamdulillah.. Sepanjang 20 papers for 9 subjects that already finish, just ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS yang paling bunkrek~! Ntah tahap petala ke berapa susah Add Math tue. Paper 1 dah elok senyum melebar jawab, masuk je Paper 2, dush!! Kitorang semua hanya berdoa dan berserah pada Ilahi semoga graf utk this subject will drop! Hehe -_-

Okeh. Nak dropping down sekejap je. After finished all the papers, aku ceghita la panjang2. Esok nak pegi Maktab Rendah Sungai Merab (hehe) aku, Atikah, Izzah & Azhani nak dating dengan Cikgu Yusmahida yang terchenta di samping mengusha new looking + new environment skola comel itu. Nanti aku jot down some photo okeyh??

ps. congrates Mila, Abel, and others yang dah finish!

Drop me any question :)